Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 6

Welcome back-

This morning I felt pretty good so I took a bath and went back to my house in the car and picked up my mail, talked to my neighbor, got a few things from the house, and drove back. And then I was EXHAUSTED. I tell you, on this fast I either felt pretty good and think I can go forever and not eat, and then I get to that wiped out feeling where I can hardly sit up. And then I wonder if I can go another day. But I have faith that the good times will follow the bad and it always has so far. I don't know if it is my body telling me "Hey you did too much" or my body is getting busy doing some great thing for me and just hogging all the energy.

I was thinking today about making a real garden in the back yard. I've played around and planted stuff before and came to the conclusion that it isn't worth the time and money for what I end up with. But I have about five books on growing real gardens that make the most of the area you have and I think I am going to devote the time and energy to do it right. So I am a little excited about that.

No sun again. I missed the morning sun because I was gone. I missed the afternoon sun because I couldn't get off my back. And no bowel movement again, although I feel like there is something there but it has nothing behind it to help it on the last of its journey. I am considering a quick enema but have to check with knowledgeable people. The seven day herbal cleanse I was on two years ago was so regimented- taking this and that a hundred times a day and doing colonics twice a day. This is a lot more relaxed, although a little water cleaning out sounds good.

That's it my friends. The Padres lost again, after being ahead 4-0 their bullpen (the best in the major leagues) blew it big time. So we are no longer in first place. Tomorrow is another day and I hope I have some energy.


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